Offre de Post-Doc à Regensburg

Postdoctoral Fellow Position at the University Clinic of Regensburg


We are looking for a talented post doc for DFG Grant as part of the DFG Research Group in the University Clinic of Regensburg.

The grant is focussing on the effects of mechanobiological loading and hypoxia on mesenchymal stem cells during chondrogenesis. Both factors will be used in order to improve the repair of cartilage defects with moderate osteoarthritis. An impaction model will be implemented for in vivo testing after finding the most convincing treatment option during the in vitro analysis.

The positon in open for 3 years with possible prolongation. The applicants must hold a PhD and it is advantageous if they have already published in international journals.

Please submit your application per email, including cover letter, curriculum vitae and a publication list no later than March 4, 2016 to :

Dr. Peter Angele.
Professor for Regenerative Joint Therapy
Director FIFA Excellence Centre Regensburg
Clinic and Polyclinic of Trauma Surgery, University Clinic Regensburg
Franz-Josef-Strauss-Allee 11, D-93042 Regensburg


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