Congrès MolPharm/CABS 2018 (30 juin-3 juillet 2018)


8th International Workshop on Advances in the Molecular Pharmacology and Therapeutics of Bone and other Musculoskeletal Diseases and Cancer and Bone Society 2018 Meeting

Oxford, UK

30 June – 3 July 2018



Abstract deadline: 23 February 2018

Venue: St Catherine’s College, Oxford


The 2018 MolPharm Workshop is the 8th in a series that started in 2003. It is intended to provide a basis for understanding the molecular mechanisms of action of drugs known to act on the skeleton, and a rational basis for developing novel therapies in the future, based on some of the remarkable recent advances in the genetics and biology of bone and the musculoskeletal system.

The Workshop is interactive and international, with speakers who are leaders of their fields in academia and industry. The workshop is held at St Catherine’s College, Oxford. This delightful campus setting creates excellent opportunities for productive interactions among all participants.

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