Offre de Post-Doc à Chicago

Voici une offre alléchante de stage post-doctoral aux US dans le laboratoire d’Aline Martin, bien connu des Stéphanois !

Tous les détails ci-dessous

A postdoctoral research fellowship position is available in Dr. Martin’s laboratory at Northwestern UniversityDivision of Nephrology and Hypertension and Center for Translational Metabolism and Health.

We are seeking highly self-motivated, hardworking postdoctoral candidates with experience in mouse genetics, cell and molecular biology, bone and mineral metabolism, cardiovascular physiology and/or FGF23 associated diseases. Primary research efforts of the lab are aimed at understanding the mechanistic regulation of the bone-derived hormone FGF23 and evaluating effects on bone, renal and cardiac function in disease settings.

The successful candidate will join a dynamic research environment in the Chicago downtown medical campus and a highly collaborative research team. Candidates must hold a PhD. or equivalent degree and must have excellent record of publications and presentations, communication and organizational skills, and ability to work in a team.

To apply for this position, please email Dr. Aline Martin at Interested candidates should include their full CV, a cover letter briefly stating their career goals, specific research experience and areas of interest, and contact information of three references in their application

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