Offre de thèses au Portugal


Call to award 15 Doctoral Research Fellowships

The 2020 Call CCMAR-FCT Doctoral Research Fellowships aims to support young scientists who intend to pursue high-level scientific research in marine and related sciences leading to a doctoral degree. Fifteen doctoral research fellowships will be awarded to graduates that comply with the requirements and wish to carry out research towards a doctoral degree. Research work should be developed following one of the topics proposed by CCMAR scientists and may be entirely or partially carried out at CCMAR. The doctoral research fellowships are awarded for 1 year and can be renewed up to 48 months.

Who Can Apply? 

National citizens or citizens of other member states of the European Union, Citizens of third States, Stateless persons, Citizens who are beneficiaries of political refugee status can apply. They must, however, hold a residence permit by the time of signature of their fellowship contract.

Applicants must: 

  • Hold a master’s degree or equivalent recognized in Portugal. 
  • Not have held any prior FCT-funded doctoral fellowship or doctoral fellowship in industry fellowship of any duration. 
  • to reside in Portugal permanently and habitually if the work programme is to be carried out partially at foreign institutions. This requirement applies to both Portuguese and foreign nationals. 


Selected applicants will be awarded monthly stipends and supplementary support, which may include tuition fees, relocation costs, travel awards and health insurance, whenever applicable, as detailed in the fellowship regulations. The monthly stipend for 2020 is €1064. The fellowships to be awarded in this call will be funded by the Portuguese state budget, through the Ministry for Science, Technology and Higher Education and the Foundation for Science and Technology. 

How and when to apply 

The Call for applications is open between 12 September 2020 and midnight (Lisbon time) of 18 October 2020. Applications should be submitted online through a dedicated online form (link to be added). For further information on how to apply and detailed guidance notes, applicants are advised to read:


Scientific questions: email addresses of potential supervisors are available beside the proposed topics.

Administrative questions:

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