5ème édition du BBC à Nantes

The fifth edition of the BBC meeting that will be held in Nantes (France) on October 3-4, 2024.

The BBC meetings are focusing on both the Cardiovascular system and Bone and are co-organized by Inserm UMR1087 from l’institut du thorax and Inserm UMR1229 RMeS.

The scientific program features cutting-edge lectures by internationally renowned experts:
  •  José Luis Millán (La Jolla, USA). « From soft bones to hardened arteries – the pathophysiological roles of alkaline phosphatase and its uses as a biologic and as a drug target »
  •  Vivian de Waard (Amsterdam, The Netherlands) « The vascular calcification phenotype of smooth muscle cells in the Marfan syndrome aorta » 
  •  Isabel R Orriss (London, UK) « Can we treat vascular calcification without negatively impacting the skeleton? » 
  •  Gaël Nicolas (Rouen, France) « Primary Familial Brain Calcifications: from genetic to pathology » 
  •  Marc Vervloet (Amsterdam, The Netherlands) « The paradox of vascular calcification and mineral bone disorder during CKD » 
  •  Catherine Shanahan (London, UK). « Mechanisms of vascular smooth muscle cell dysfunction in ageing and disease » 
  •  Tonia L Vincent (Oxford, UK) « Mechanosensing mechanisms in articular cartilage, the role in disease and repair » 
  •  Stéphane Zaffran (Marseille, France) « Piezo1 is required for outflow tract and aortic valve development » 
  •  Anabela Bensimon-Brito (Toulouse, France) « Modelling zebrafish cardiac valve to understand cardiovascular regeneration and disease » 
  •  Yassine Maazouz (Bettlach, Switzerland) « Biomaterials and osteoinduction »
BBC is FREE of charge, but registration is needed.

Very happy to welcome you in Nantes ! 

The BBC-meeting organizing committee
 Laurent BECK
 Stéphanie CHATEL

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