BBC is back for its fourth edition

The fourth edition of the Basic research on Bone and Cartilage biology meeting (BBC4 meeting) will be held in Nantes (France) on Sept 29-30, 2022

Originally dedicated to the field of bone and cartilage biology, this year’s edition will focus strongly on vascular and valvular pathophysiology and is therefore co-organized by Inserm UMR1229 RMeS and Inserm UMR1087 from l’Institut du Thorax.

The scientific programme proposes state-of-the-art conferences from internationaly recognized experts:

  • Elena Aikawa (Harvard Medical School, Boston, USA) «Novel disease driver cell population and complex protein network in calcific aortic valve disease»
  • Magnus Back (Karolinska University Hospital, Stockholm, Sweden) «Diet and food supplements as classical and emerging cardiovascular risk factors»
  • Jacob Bentzon (Aarhus University, Denmark) «Osteochondrogenic conversion of SMCs in atherscle-rosis»
  • Bertrand Cariou (Nantes Université, France) «Dyslipidemias and atherosclerotic cardiovascular dis-ease risk in patients with endocrine disorders»
  • Marie-Annick Clavel (Université de Laval, Canada) «Sex and age differences in valvular calcifcation»
  • Vanessa Dubois (Ghent University, Belgium) «Sexual dimorphism in skeletal acquisition and mainte-nance: the role of sex hormone receptors»
  • Matthias Gunzer (University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany) «Bone transparisation revealing trans-cortical bone capillary network for blood circulation in long bones»
  • Lucie Hénaut (University of Picardie Jules Verne, Amiens, France) «Macrophages as key regulators in chronic kidney disease-induced cardiovascular calcifications»
  • Annika Keller (University of Zürich, Switzerland) «Brain Vascular Calcifications»
  • Marie-Hélène Lafage-Proust (Université Jean Monnet, St Etienne, France) «Therapeutic approaches in bone disorders: lessons and limits for vascular and valvular calcification»
  • Laurent Beck and Thibaut Quillard (Nantes Université, France) «Introduction to bone and vascular mechanisms of mineralization»

Time for discussion with the speakers has been scheduled to allow for scientific exchanges and to stimulate the set-up of collaborative networks.

BBC4 is a FREE one-and-a-half day meeting, but you need to register.

All details here:

See you soon in Nantes!

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